Specs: 1994 Toyota Celica
5 Speed Transmission
1.8 Liter
160,000 Miles
Just changed the brakes, rotors and pads, in which the rotor was causing the car to grab and making it go crazy. That problem was fixed but now at higher speeds only, the steering wheel has a terrible vibration.
The vibration is so bad that I can't even hold the wheel with my hand at times because how badly its vibrating....
I did a SUPER quick glance under the vehicle and didn't see anything noticeable but like I said, It was very quick as I didn't have much time.
Anything anyone might be able to offer to really check thoroughly that would cause this to occur would be super helpful.
Steering wheel vibrates at higher speeds and when accelerating into higher speeds ONLY.
I was leaning towards a mount of some sort but Im just not sure.
Thanks in advance for the help!!!!
94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
Place the car on jack stands and remove the front wheels. Snug up the lug nuts back against the rotors. Start the car and put the transmission in low gear. Check to see if either brake rotor is wobbling side to side. If it is remove both rotors and put a small round flat wire brush in the end of an electric drill and super clean off the hub where the wheel studs stick out. If there is any rust or crap on the hubs the rotors will not lay flat. Wipe on a little never seize on the hub faces before putting the rotors back in place. Check to see if the side to side run-out has improved. If not take the offending rotor back. Mount the wheels and tires and let them spin slowly also. Look at them closely for buldges or a bent wheel. Speed up the rpm to see if there is a vibration. You may have tossed a wheel weight.94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
could be one of three things. bad front tires. out of balance tires or bad cv shafts. my camry does the same thing due to worn cv shaft. 94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
check and see if the wheels are not out of balance make sure everything is tight with the brakes94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
it either sounds like your wheel alignment is just terrible or your drive shaft is going to shiv, it might possibly be an your front axle or even control arm but from the sounds of it, i think its either the drive shaft or wheel alignment, the only question is..do you have to turn the steering wheel more than a quarter turn when driving jut to keep it straight cuz then thats your wheel alignment, and if not it might be your drive shaft going bad.94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
Sounds like it could be your alignment, especially after having your rotors and brakes changed. Simple fix, it'd be a good thing to check out.94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
First,I would check the power steering fluid.Look and see if one of the sway bar links has broken.it looks like a dumbbell,:a nut then a washer,a rubber bushing,the bolt goes thru the sway arm,then another bushing,then a washer,then a sleeve,then another washer and another bushing,then it goes through the lower swing arm with another bushing and washer underneath,and the bolt head......94 Toyota Celica Steering Wheel Vibration...?
Excellent question lots of good details and information.
Differing brands front to rear will not cause vibration
Start by having the wheels balanced and the tires checked for any visual tread mis-shapen conditions, if that does not correct the problem, spin up one side at a time with the vehicle on the hoist, I suspect you might have gotten an improperly machined rotor which could cause the vibration if this is the case the mechanic will not have any trouble figuring out which one it is using this test. While the car is up also check for worn ball joints and tie rod ends which will amplify vibrations and are safety hazards all by themselves.
If neither of these tests bear fruit, the next things to check are the drive shaft CV joints, they should be checked with the weight of the car on the wheels, and the transmission in neutral, to ensure they are in their normal alignment, which will be where the wear is. If the vibration is noticeably torque sensitive (changes with the throttle setting) head straight for the CV joints.
Once the vibration has been eliminated and any other loose components replaced have a front end alignment performed to get everything back in correct position and ensure proper handling and good tire wear.